Friday, October 30, 2009

Food and Fall and Rolling like a Ball

Noah reached a few milestones this week, he rolled over for the first time, and we tried some solid food with him. He liked both! Every time now we lay him down he rolls right over, and gets very frustrated, but it won't be long until he's moving.

Rachel got really excited about bath night one night, and dumped in all the bubbles while we were getting ready to come upstairs, hence the very bubbly bath.
Fun with leaves. Daniel was looking out the window very sad the other day that the leaves had fallen. Stephanie was here at the time and trying to explain to him how they do fall, but they come back after the winter time.

Conner, our neighbor, with Daniel and Rachel.
So both Kevin and I were getting ready to get out the door Tuesday morning, and were slightly frantic. We looked down and watched the very moment Noah rolled over, and got his picture and gushed all over him. I am very thankful for the milestones we get to experience with every child. Here is Noah right after he rolled over the first time.

I will post more pictures from the weekend with them dressing up. Kevin was home with the kids today and took them to Target, I am very proud of him, so we have candy to pass out, and already the neighbors are asking if the kids are coming out because they usually have something special for them. I am not exactly sure what they will be wearing, but it will be fun either way.


Memere G said...

What great pix and videos! Noah rolling over is too cute and big sister feeding him is so sweet:)
Can't wait to see all of you in a few weeks!!!! Love ya lots....

Renee Hogue said...

Yay for baby Noah!!! I love Rachel feeding's like he's her lil baby doll! I miss you and can't wait to see you!!

One Picky Family said...

that pictures of Rachel with all the bubbles is so cute!!