Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pictures and Part time work

Last week when we got back from our Florida trip, I got an e-mail from a person I had worked with on base offering me a part time job working in the Hazardous Materials Pharmacy on base. I played with the idea, asked around about child care, and found a situation that would work out for me and the kids for at least a few weeks. So next week I am starting a part time job just a few days a week, where I will be gone and back home even before Kevin gets home from work. I admit I am excited about the very family friendly opportunity, and thankful for the opportunity to keep my resume updated and a little time away from the kids may be healthy break for me right now. Kevin has started doing a compressed work schedule, so this weekend has been a little longer than most. The kids seem to be a little more clingy to Daddy lately, so the extra time every other week will work out well.

Rachel as been talking a lot about butterflies lately, and I gave her a early birthday present from Memere. And she looked so cute with her wings and princess dress on.
Noah has such a cute little personality right now, and he is interested in everything it seems. The Hokie colors look great on him....
Noah can get onto his side like wants to roll, I need to start watching out for that a little better.
Daniel is starting to have more conversations with us, and ask a lot more questions. We were talking about Rachel's birthday, and how he wants her to have an ice cream cake, and I asked him how old he thought I was. He said I was 5. He loves to put together puzzles and we have some good one on one time in the afternoon while Rachel still takes a 3 hour nap. I am adjusting to the no nap thing, although the bed time routine is so much easier with how tired he is. The next few weeks will be a different sort of busy for us, and we are one week away from having a two year old on our hands!

1 comment:

Jamison Family said...

Sounds like a great opportunity for you! I know how you feel about the no nap thing and the easy bed time routine. The kids are so cute!