Monday, March 23, 2009

The weekend

Daniel the Engineer!
Here are the cousins eating at their own table, which worked out pretty well. 
Happy Birthday Daniel.  I made a bowling ball and pin cake, and had lots of cake and frosting left over.  
Pizza time!
Rachel got a cat and cell phone this weekend, and she loves both!  She meows and cuddles her cat, and is on the phone all the time!!  Hopefully it will help me keep my real phone safe just a little longer.  

The family is gone, the weekend is over, and thanks to everyone for the fun time.  Daniel sure had a memorable 3rd birthday, or at least I won't forget it.  Daniel and his cousin Michael were non stop all weekend, and they slept good every night.  We had some good shopping time with the kids, a bowling party on Saturday, a lot of food to eat, and a lot of cake and ice cream.  Daniel got a lot of good toys, it seemed like car, trucks, and dinosaurs were the thing this year.  

The bowling party was fun, and I thank all the parents working through nap time.  Here is a video.  Here are kids with sugar, bright lights, loud music, and no nap.  I think they had fun, and it sure tired me out!

The rest of the week will be recovering from the weekend.  We now have a small freezer in the basement, and I am going to try buying in bulk and save on food that way, any suggestions out there for someone getting into the bulk buying?  

We have Daniel's pictures scheduled for this weekend, so I hope we don't have any bruises or scrapes this week.  Kevin is blessed to be going to a Celtics game tonight, he is bringing the camera, and I hope to post pictures of that later this week.  

1 comment:

Muddy Mama said...

Happy Birthday Daniel! Abi loves bowling too!
I have one cookbook you have to get (or try at your library first): Fix, Freeze, Feast. It is fantastic for buying in bulk. We buy almost all our food at Costco now!