Monday, August 2, 2010

Davis Farmland

I've known of Davis Farmland since we moved here, but we never got the opportunity to go until this weekend, and it was fun! I think this was the first time for me that I saw all three kids enjoy a park like atmosphere, and I think it is getting easier to do things like this with all of them. This was very family friendly, and that helped a lot too!

Rachel was pretty brave with the pony.
They had this amazing sprinkler park where you could play in, and also to the side you could get in this pool of bubbles and then wash off. Daniel and Noah just loved it! Rachel had a scratch on her foot that made it hard for her to walk, so we just people watched. I was fine with that!
I love Noah's face, but also enjoy seeing Kevin have fun! Noah is fearless in the water.

It was a fun weekend, and I don't have that much planned again for this week, but we'll see what happens.


Roy David said...

It's amazing to see how fast they are growing. Legs are getting longer, torsos are stretch out, and faces are becoming less infant and more child-like. Thank you for blessing us with these photos.

Beau-Lindsey said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.