Thursday, August 12, 2010

That kind of week.

If I could find my camera I would be showing you pictures of Kevin's cousin's high school graduation party, but I can't seem to find that right now, and that is the type of week I have been having. The kids have been a little harder this week, and with Kevin having a few late nights, it has made this week a long one. But tomorrow is Friday, and I will have another chance and a new day.

I went to Plaster Fun time, which was fun, but what I really went out for was Storytime at the Library, and I was off by a day. So the kids painted, and Rachel threw a huge tantrum at the end of the painting. Sigh. We also went to Target yesterday where she gave me another doozy. She is still two, I still need to remember that. These are pictures from my phone, and they turned out pretty good.

I have also begun the re-organization of the kids toys, and spent the last two days really combing through our stuff. With Noah being one now, we are looking for places for the things we don't need around for him anymore. Anyone know anyone needing baby toys or a baby bjorn? We did have a date night at Kimball farms where Kevin won at putt-putt, but the ice cream was nice, and the evening was beautiful, thanks to Kayleen for letting us go out :-)

Hopefully I will find the camera in all the cleaning I have done and have some more pictures to post soon.

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