Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Disney World

I think each family has that place they go to that is their place. Like the beach, or to a cabin, but for my family it was always Disney World. Since the first time we went (back in 1986 was it?) we got the bug and went back almost every year from 1991 on.

Me and Beau with Mickey Mouse in 1991
A more recent photo, 2002 ish.
Well last Friday my dad, brother, sister, and nephew decided to take a last minute trip down again, and I was able to join kid and husband free, thanks to some great friends and very understanding husband. It's not that we won't be going to Disney World again, but the first time you do anything after someone passes away it is the hardest, and we wanted to experience that together. So it was a quick weekend but a time to really reflect and remember, and then to plan the next one with everyone again.

Me and my big brother Joe.
So in the mean time, it is May already and the weather is beautiful. The next few months will be busy and I know every week seems to go faster than the week before. I am just thankful for the times to be together, and am learning how to praise God for the little and big blessings in my life.

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