Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Yes, it is bittersweet, I love being a mom to my kids, and love all the moms that have influenced my life, but also miss my mom. But we are getting though. I think I broke my little toe on my right foot this week, and that was another excuse to take things easy this week, it hurts a little, but I am keeping it iced and trying as hard as I can to keep off of it, but that didn't help as we went for a long walk today! Oh well. I also did a sewing project with my neighbor this weekend, and think I am almost ready to take the plunge and try the sewing thing for myself.

Rachel has been enjoying all her babies this week, and especially enjoyed seeing a newborn this week.

Today we went to Castle Island in South Boston, and although it was really windy, I think I want to go back and enjoy the fort when it opens and spend more time there. They had some nice parks for the kids, and reasonable hot dogs for sale.

Noah is almost walking, he can stand up and wants to take steps. He is quite big, but very happy, little boy. I can hardly fathom he's 10 months already.

Daniel took this picture below....
I love dressing her up in all the different colors thanks to family members and sale shopping.
We did end up reserving one of those iPads, I am going to pick it up this week and look forward to being high tech and learning how to use it. We have only had one computer for a long time, and it has been good, but there has been a lot more we have been doing on the computer lately so it was time. I am going to put in a few more hours of work this week, so that will be different, and it always makes the week fly by.

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