Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary, and tomorrow we will be celebrating it. We are now in VA with Kevin's family, and looking forward to the week with family, and friends, and good food.

I just have to say that every month on the 23rd Kevin and I have this little game we play. We wish eachother happy monthaversary, just in preparation for the big day, but you win if you remember and say it first. Now I have to admit, it usually a game that I win. I am usually up with the kids, or up before him, or just remember first, and I have the ability to pride in the fact that I won that month. But this morning, the day that it really counts, he won. So happy anniversary Kevin, thank you for the wonderful past 6 years, the three moves, two kids (with one more on the way, that is something else to blog about soon), and for being my best friend. I look forward to the rest of our lives together, it is so great being married to you.


One Picky Family said...

Congrats you two!

Sandra Libby said...

Congratulations! We hope you are having a great week with family!

Jamison Family said...

Happy Anniversary and congrats on the baby on the way!