Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekly update

My birthday month is going well. I went to the MFA in Boston this month, travelled to NY, and went apple picking so far. It was a nice warm fall day on Saturday, and the kids all enjoyed picking the apples and eating them. It was fun to see Noah enjoy eating and feeding the goats right along with the other two.

We got the game Hungry Hippo's and everyone played. It was especially enjoyable to watch Kevin and all the kids play together. All three have seemed to grow a lot in the last few weeks, like taller, and they are doing things more independently, I guess I am amazed how quickly the time does go by.
Talking about the time going by, we have lived here in this townhouse for 4 years now. We moved in thinking we were going to just stay for one, and now look where we are. We have still put out applications to NY, and no bites yet, but there are enough good rental places that are bigger that we can enjoy the winter in NE better with, so we are taking the steps to move. Actually our landlord is coming by today to see the state of the place, hopefully he is alright with how we have treated the place!

Well I knew the move was coming, but there is a sense of sadness and excitement. Two of the three have only known this place as their home, and there are a lot of good and bad, memories here. On the flip side, I am getting excited about hosting Thanksgiving this year, and it would be nice in a bigger place. As I was going though these different feelings yesterday, and praying in my heart, I noticed outside there was the perfect weather for a rainbow. I ran out the front door, and low and behold I saw this beauty right outside. Ok God, I get it. He holds us in the palms of His hand and is taking us one step at a time.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference ~ Serenity Prayer


Jamison Family said...

Moving is always exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Thinking about you all!

Stephy Lyn said...

it will be so sad for us when you move too. :(

Shelley said...

I miss you!