Monday, October 6, 2008

Back from Disney World

Hello everyone, we are back from sunny Florida to the beautiful fall here in NE.  It is funny how the season seems to change so quickly.  Well, we had a great time in Disney World.  Daniel can now say Mickey Mouse at the drop of a hat, and ask him if you saw Mickey and he will say yes.  I didn't realize how much energy Daniel has, and how long Rachel can stay up when there is a lot going on around her.  Daniel loved seeing the characters, but Rachel was another story.  She got scared of the critters, and we had to shield her if we went to a character meal.  

Here is my dad and Michael and Daniel looking at some water, sometimes I didn't know who was more excited.
Ok, so we did get caught up in dressing up the kids, but don't they look so cute!  Daniel was a perfect Peter Pan, and Rachel was a ballerina/princess/whatever girly thing. 
Daniel's cousin Michael was buzz lightyear, and would run around saying to Infinity and Beyond...well in his own words and as well as an almost 3 year old could.  
Here is Daniel giving some love to Piglet.  
We had some cake as a early celebration of Rachel's birthday coming up.  She loved it and dove right in.  There are more festivities for her to come.
We also received some great news while we were away, there is a potential buyer for our home in NH.  Things are still tentative, but it is encouraging.   I think God is showing me how He works things out even while I am on vacation.  Well, it is time to catch up on house stuff, we are definitely back from vacation now.   

1 comment:

One Picky Family said...

Glad to hear you have a great time in Florida and even more glad about the house! I'll be praying for the deal.