Sunday, July 13, 2008

A lot happening with not a lot of pictures

As I sit down to blog today I know that a lot went on this week, I just wasn't able to capture it all in pictures.  On Tuesday I went out and got my hair cut, 6 inches off, an got it colored.  It felt so good to get it taken care of, it has been a while since I treated myself to that.  I was blessed on Wednesday to have my sister come out and join us for a few days.  We took the kids to the Rainforest Cafe, she watched them as I went to Kevin's softball game and actually watched the game, she watched them as I went to Mount Hope's Summer Program and was a substitute helper, and she and I went on Saturday to volunteer in Boston for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress event which was a great time meeting new people and helping out.  So we did a lot this week, I just didn't have my camera on hand for any of it.  

Daniel can still play with my hair even though it is shorter, but I love the new look.  
Here is Aunt Beau with Rachel.  Daniel can say her name and they have had fun together too.  

Here is Kevin watching the movie Curious George with Daniel (in his underwear).  Daniel's newest thing is he wants to watch the monkey, and we get the opportunity every morning on PBS kids.  
I think this is the start of a busy two weeks for the Gagnier Family.  We are going camping next weekend, Kevin is going to be gone on business next week, and then the following week we will be heading to NY for my 10 year high school reunion.  I will have the camera in hand for those events, so we will check back in with you next week!

1 comment:

Mary Thorson said...

LOVE the hairdo. You looke amazing. But CAMPING Morgan?!?! At least you aren't pregnant this time..hehe.