Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Milk

I learned the hula this weekend and got a lei which Daniel had fun putting on Rachel, and Rachel enjoyed wearing.  Rachel is so happy eating and here is a picture of all of it. 
I had too many cute pictures so I had to post mid week.  Happy birthday to my brother Joe and to our friend Caleb today!  We had fun at Caleb's birthday party today and the kids enjoyed the awesome Bob the Builder cake.   

This afternoon I was on the phone and while I wasn't paying attention Daniel did the following:  

Is it only Wednesday?  


Anonymous said...

It was his way of sharing, such a good boy!

Memere G said...

Rachel can wear ANYTHING and look adorable:) I love how Daniel owned up right away to her milk bath. Isn't that a spa luxury?

Mary Thorson said...

HA! It was better than peeing on her :).