Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pictures from Christmas

Happy New Year! I feel negligent on my posts, but now that I think I have the internet figured out, we'll try to do better. We had a great time in New Bedford with Kevin's family for Christmas, although I think we brought the snow with us! The kids had a great time with their cousin, and all their second cousins, and it is amazing how big Kevin's family is getting. I feel like the "old one" in the group, just because we are almost fully though the young kid stage. The kids did great traveling, and here are some snapshots from the trip. I borrowed my father in law's camera, it was really nice, and I really enjoyed the quality of the photos:

Rachel and her cousin Lila, it was so fun to watch them interact!
Daniel wore that sweater just a few short years ago...
Rachel definitely lets us know what she is thinking...
Daniel and his grand Memere
All the kids Christmas morning, I did have better shot without Rachel's foot up, I just picked the wrong one.
Family photo...all the kids are licking lollipops, but at least they are all happy.
We had a great time at a Celtics game the Wednesday before Christmas, and it was just an easier trip overall. We had a very low key New Years, and now we are getting super excited about moving into our new home in just a few short weeks! I am starting to get used to us being here for the long term, and am starting to let myself get excited about putting down roots and really settling down. We have so many visions of planting a garden this spring, enjoying the outdoors, and painting walls. In the mean time, we are getting good snow gear and trying to enjoy the snow and outdoors, and just the quiet time before things really start to happen. My new favorite pass time is cross country skiing! I'll have to get some pictures of that up.

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