Sunday, May 4, 2008

Family Photo time

So I am writing this from Kevin's comptuer still and our other computer is still down, but I have at least one picture to show. Kevin returned from FL on Friday and I got through another week with the kids and myself. On Saturday we got our family photos taken, and we actally got some good ones! When we went in I told the lady that I had very low expectations and that we will go with what we got, because I have had some very nerve wracking picture moments with the kids, but the secret this time was jelly beans!! Anytime we wanted Daniel to do anything we offered him candy, and he did very well. Later on in the day we had a birthday party so he had another good helping of sugar, oh well, he was having fun. I have a lot more pictures I want to post, but that will have to be for another time. We had an open house for our home in NH today, and I don't know how it went, but we are still going with our home. Happy May everyone and have a blessed week.


Sandra Libby said...

What a great family picture!

Mary Thorson said...

That is an AWESOME family photo Morgan! Everyone looks great.

One Picky Family said...

Great picture!! Love you lots!!