Monday, March 2, 2015


Our Homeschool Co-op starts tomorrow, and I feel like it is the calm before the storm.  The weather has really stopped us from going out too much over the last few weeks, and that is not a bad thing.  We are pushing through with school, so when the weather is nice, we can be right out there enjoying every minute of it.

In the mean time there has been quite the test in health, and the weeks have really jumbled together.  I am amazed that Daniel turns 9 this month, and that we are heading over into spring.  I have learned that my oldest son could be labeled as a highly sensitive child.  That is not a bad thing, it is just causing us to sit back and evaluate how we treat him.  He can be very hard on himself, and we are learning how to teach him about grace.  Kevin and I have really gotten into the grace message over the last year, seeing how it is Jesus's finished work on the cross that makes the difference in life.  That is not us, but Jesus in us, that God sees.  I am reading books by Joseph Prince, Curry Blake, and E.W. Kenyon, really learning about the kingdom of God, and how we are to have authority in Christ here.  I am learning God's love story for me, seeing Him in my everyday mundane life, found an encouraging mentor that will pray with me and challenge me to go deeper with God.  I am wanting to change from a human "doing" to a human "being".  Not there yet, but everyday I am seeing a change.

So thankful for this journey!

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