Monday, August 8, 2011

Turning the Corner

A strange thing happened to me this past weekend. I took the kids to the beach, and I enjoyed myself. Kevin was at work, it was just the three and me, and we had fun. Then we went to the zoo as a family, and I didn't need my stroller. The kids all walked, and stayed close. I didn't really know what to do with my hands, well I was able to pet an elephant, which was cool, but it hit me. My kids are growing up. Noah is asking to use the potty, Daniel is a huge helper, Rachel is a great encourager, and they are growing up. As we turn the corner on summertime, and sprint to the finish, I think the end of this summer will be bringing some new and exciting times. Not all easy, but good.

Here Daniel is looking out from one of our newer rope swings.

Rachel loves frogs, and catching them, and here she is showing one off.
She loves to paint, and has such a joy with her arts and crafts.
Here are the cousins at the zoo last week. We were celebrating Hadessa's birthday, and it is a joy to be around for these occasions.
I love the quote at the top of this one: Social Animals
Noah is chatting up a storm, and I need to remember to video him, because that raspy little voice will continue to change.

1 comment:

One Picky Family said...

This post is so true. Love you!