I got thinking we will be celebration out 10th anniversary this year, and I am chuckling to recall where we thought we would be by this year. Or what we thought we could do for it. Like 10 years ago large, extravagant trips, and worldwide travel would be commonplace in our life....and it is not. During our last anniversary I was sick with a fever, and that was a new way to celebrate, but it made me think I need acknowledge the important things more, and not just wait for a certain day to come around.
So here is my challenge this year, to highlight on this blog the things I appreciate about Kevin...hopefully posting on the 23rd of the month. Technically I guess I have missed a few months out of this year, but with all the posting about the kids and the changes in our lives, I want to acknowledge the man who is the biggest part of this families success, and that is my very own husband. So check back over the next few months and see what I see in Kevin.