We have been moved for about a week and a half so far. The packing itself went well, well that it is over. We had twice as much as they anticipated, so it took all day on Saturday. It was too late to make the whole 5 hour drive that evening, so we took a break along the way. Kevin began work on the 6th, and I think the transition is going well. He is actually in DC this week for some training, but hopefully after that there will be minimal travel. We even made it to his company's Christmas party at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse. It was fun, I was thankful to have some ready babysitters, and excited to take the kids there in the near future.
The kids are doing well with the transition, they really enjoy being around family, and love the country. Daniel exclaimed in amazement that he loves seeing the stars, the moon, and the country. I am adjusting to country living again, with all the snow, and space, and slight culture shock. I also have been facing the fact my mom is not with us, not being around all the time has allowed me to push that fact aside, but now I am dealing with it. There is a lot around here to remind me of her, and how proud she would be to have us here finally. With that, and us getting all the paperwork for the home, getting Christmas preparations still, it has been full week and a half.
Noah is a trooper, taking a break whenever he needs to! He is also enjoying all the extra attention.