Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Daze

The last few weeks have been a different.  We finished off the spring co-op, and by the end of the 8 weeks, Noah was ready to be in the preschool class, and I am excited for Rachel and Daniel to be in the same class next year.  We only have a week or so left of official material to cover, although we have a busy summer planned.

Here is Rachel at her Dance recital.  

 My cousin's husband came over to get a huge rock out of our garden.  It was fun to watch, and we are almost ready to plant some things.
 More of Rachel's Recital.
A few weeks ago a fox got into my brother's chickens, leaving only one left.  We adopted the one and have it with our not so little anymore chicks.  We also had a porcupine in our yard and a snapping turtle that we had to get rid of.  So there are the adventures in country living.

A little over a week ago Kevin's cousin passed a way, allowing Kevin and Daniel to go to New Bedford and attend the services.  It was a good trip for Kevin to take, and little bit of a break with just two kids around.  Kevin is off to San Diego this week, and we are having some house work done, so by the time he returns from his trip he will have a slightly renovated home :-)

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